Accelerated preparation for careers in Investment Banking, Asset Management, Sales & Trading, and Private Equity
The Pre‐Wall Street Career Track will provide early and focused professional preparation for qualified Wake Forest students intending to pursue careers in Investment Banking, Asset Management, Sales & Trading, and Private Equity.
Students who are selected to participate in the track will begin this four-year journey in the second semester of their first year. Independent of intended major, the track will include targeted coursework, mentoring/coaching, experiential learning, skills/tool training, and networking to help students compete and secure high‐value internships and job offers in the above sectors. Our goal is to become a top 15 school developing talent for top‐tier investment firms.

The track will include the following:
(1) Highly competitive selection process for 35 First-Year students. All students who are interested in careers in Investment Banking, Asset Management, Sales & Trading, and Private Equity, including students with diverse backgrounds, are encouraged to apply;
(2) Rigorous curriculum combined with co‐ and extra‐curricular activities to deepen our students’ understanding through real‐world application through the Sophomore year;
(3) Dedicated faculty and staff leaders who will bring deep industry knowledge, expertise, and market connections to maximize student preparation efforts;
(4) Deep involvement by alumni and other Wake Forest supporters who will help guide the track’s evolution and provide mentoring and training to the students in this track.
Eligibility Requirements:
To remain and complete the track, students must:
- Attend extracurricular PWSCT sessions led by faculty and industry professionals in spring 2024, fall 2024, and spring 2025
- Complete all Pre-Wall Street assignments by due dates
- Complete ACC 111 in spring 2025
- Complete FIN 231 and BEM 201 by the end of fall 2025
- Complete FIN 203 and FIN 232 by the end of spring 2026
- Maintain an overall GPA of 3.4 or higher at all times
- Achieve a B or better in all Finance classes beginning with FIN231
- Attend Professional Development sessions in spring 2025, fall 2025, and spring 2026
- As Juniors and Seniors, participate in advising and preparing members of the Sophomore and First-Year classes
Interested in the program?
Attend one of the two information sessions offered on campus on October 24 and October 29. More detailed location information will be posted on these sessions.
*Students admitted to the PWSCT must make a B or better in all Finance classes and maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.4 to remain in the program. A grade of C or better is required in all other courses. The first semester a student does not meet these requirements, he/she must exit the program and will not be enrolled in subsequent classes but is still eligible to apply to the School of Business.
Meeting the admissions criteria DOES NOT guarantee entry into the Business School.

Sample Program Timeline
- Fall of 1st year – information session, application
- After Fall term and prior to start of Spring Term – selection decisions
- Spring term – weekly sessions 50% career development and 50% finance topics
- Visit firms in New York (May)
- Fall Sophomore year – weekly sessions 50% career development and 50% finance topics
- Visit firms in Charlotte (October)
- Develop workplace skill set to prepare for summer internships during the fall and spring of Junior year
For additional information, contact:
Marty Malloy, Program Director, Professor of the Practice in Finance, malloym@wfu.edu